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XXXII Annual Conference of IAAT was held at Dharwad

The The XXXII annual conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT) and national symposium on the theme, “The Contribution of Angiosperm Diversity to Human Wellbeing and the Risk Associated with its Decline”, concluded at Karnatak Science College in Dharwad on Sunday, after fruitful scientific deliberations. The conference was organised from November 11 to 13 by the Department of UG, PG and Research in Botany of Karnatak University’s Karnatak Science College. During the event, two gold medals were presented and one endowment lecture and 12 technical sessions were conducted. In all, 223 scientists, research scholars and postgraduate students from different States participated in the symposium and presented their research papers and posters on different themes. A souvenir, Abstract, with research papers presented on these three days was released by C.K. Rao. 

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